‘The Block’ 2017 bathroom reveals

‘The Block’ 2017 bathroom reveals

Does ‘The Block’ offer good ideas and practical solutions for the everyday bathroom?

One of television’s favourite renovations shows, ‘The Block’, has exploded into 2017 with all the usual drama, controversy, and hype. Beyond all of this, the real question is, are the design choices made by the contestants suitable for the everyday household or are these choices made to gain favour and points from the judges? After viewing the bathroom and ensuite reveals, WHO Bathroom Warehouse sifted through the hype and happily found some great design ideas and loads of practical elements.

Double Vanity Wash Basins

Elite wall hung double vanity wash basins from WHO Bathroom

WHO’s ‘Elite’ wall hung vanity from ‘Hannaford’ delivers the practicality of integrated double wash basins with style and panache.

Waiting around to wash-up can be a nuisance. Double wash basins are extremely practical for busy bathrooms and large families, particularly if you don’t have an ensuite or second bathroom. These hit the tick list for all ‘The Block’ judges. Go for integrated vanity basins or double up on bench top mount basin vessels. Both look great and Who has a great variety to choose from.

Storage Space

WHO Bathroom complete vanity sets

Hannaford’s ‘Thomas’ free standing vanity with basin offer loads of storage and includes two top drawers with concealed internal make-up compartments. Teamed with one of WHO’s larger mirror cabinets and you’ll never have to worry about bathroom storage again.

Ample and practical storage has been a very hot topic amongst the judges on ‘The Block’. This component is often overlooked by some of the contestants. Face level storage makes finding smaller and frequently used items much easier. Plenty of cupboard space will never go astray and don’t forget drawers. Check out WHO’s great selection of mirror cabinets, vanity cabinets and matching drawers all designed to mix and match.

Timber Finishes

brown white contemporary bathroom vanity wash basin and cabinet

WHO used a striking contrast of texture and colour to create this impressive vanity package. Comprises, Hannaford ‘Elite’ wall hung vanity with Wenge colour drawer faces, Harry James ‘Dover White’ quartz stone benchtop and Paddington WB-538 bench top mount wash basins.

A few timber finishes managed to make an appearance. Timber and woodgrain finishes are becoming more and more popular. They add a warm touch to a bathroom and darker colours create a feeling of sumptuousness. On a more practical note, they are less likely to show finger marks. A handy point if you have children. WHO’s vanity cabinets with tantalising textural woodgrain finishes come in various shades and definitely make a style statement.

Freestanding Baths

WHO Bathroom free standing baths

Make a splash with WHO’s gorgeous freestanding baths. The ‘Albert’ with claw feet is ideal for the more traditional at heart. Or unwind and meditate in the organic shape of the ‘Hampshire’. These luxurious baths are both from the superb Olivia Ellen range.

The big item on ‘The Block’ was the use of a huge, round freestanding bath. While it looked amazing, the practicality of this round bath is questionable and it did look like a cleaning nightmare. Thankfully, common sense reigned amongst the other contestants and a snazzy assortment of realistic freestanding baths was presented. WHO has some beautiful freestanding baths to suit a variety of tastes from classic to modern.

Black Tapware

WHO Bathroom black tapware

Check out WHO’s gorgeous ‘Damian’ collection from the excellent ‘Banff’ range where you’ll find a whole range of fabulous black tapware including black bathroom mixers, bath mixers, spouts, fillers, and black shower heads.

There’s no escaping it. Black tapware is still a big hit on ‘The Block’. It looks stunning and makes a bold statement in any bathroom. It’s very popular and seemingly heading towards timeless status. WHO has an impressive selection of black tapware that will certainly add some star quality to your bathroom.

Benchtop Mount Vanity Basins

brown white contemporary bathroom vanity wash basin and cabinet

WHO has an extensive range of attractive vanity basins in many different styles and shapes to suit a wide variety of tastes and requirements.

These are a huge favourite amongst ‘The Block’ contestants. In fact, the benchtop mount basins (sometimes called vessels) were everywhere and seemed to be the only type used. Extremely stylish, they always look good and add a stroke of elegance to any bathroom.

12th Feb 2021

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