
Spam Statement

Who Bathroom Warehouse (MT&J Group PTY LTD, ACN 649 324 309) (“we” or “WBW”) is committed to observing and complying with its obligations under any relevant Spam legislation and regulations in any subject country.

For the purpose of this Spam Statement, the term ‘subject country’ means the country from which you access the Who Bathroom Warehouse website.

We assure you that:

  • we have crafted an internal policy to educate staff and implement clear guidelines and rules in relation to the dissemination of commercial electronic messages;
  • you may at any time unsubscribe from any mailing list to which you have previously subscribed. If for any reason there appears to be no facility to unsubscribe from the mailing list, please send an email to advising us of your wish to unsubscribe. Alternatively, you may call our Spam Policy Administrator on (07) 5522 0365; and
  • we will not use address-harvesting software for any reason whatsoever.

To assist us to combat Spam, we request your assistance with the following:

  • If you receive an offensive or unauthorised commercial message, which appears to originate from a WBW email address, please assume that it has been sent in error and notify us immediately on the above contact details;
  • Please ensure that you unsubscribe from any of the WBW mailing lists if you decide that you no longer wish to receive electronic commercial messages from WHB or its contracted third parties; and
  • Please notify us of any changes to your personal details or cancellation of your email address.

Thank you for taking the time to read the Who Bathroom Warehouse Spam Statement.

ã 2010 Edge Legal Pty Ltd (

Spam Statement last updated on 4 February 2011.